What to Do Before Given Anesthesia

Source: American Society of Anesthesiologists

Before being given any kind of anesthesia, give a complete medical history to doctors and nurses and ask questions about your care.

  • Check physicians’ credentials, including your physician anesthesiologist. In some states, nurse anesthetists can provide anesthesia without direct physician anesthesiologist supervision.

  • Discuss your medical history with your anesthesia provider and how it might affect your reaction to anesthesia.

  • Check on medical staff training and certifications. Find out if an outpatient center or office is licensed and accredited to perform surgical procedures.

  • Make sure you are in optimal health before any procedure. If you have medical problems, you may need clearance from your primary care physician before surgery. An anesthesiologist can help determine if this clearance is necessary.

  • Find out who will monitor you during the procedure—the surgeon, a nurse, or a physician anesthesiologist. Only a medical professional specifically trained to administer anesthesia and monitor patients should care for you throughout a procedure.

  • Notify all physicians involved in your procedure of medications you are taking or recently took, including herbal remedies. Herbal remedies and other medications can interact with anesthetics and drugs you may receive for the procedure.


10 Questions to Ask Before Anesthesia